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What Causes Sunspots on Your Skin? (and 3 great remedies!)

by Beverly Hills MD

April 04 2018

Whether you call them sunspots or age spots, you probably can’t stand those dark, discolored patches on your skin. Unfortunately, age spots are just a fact of life for most of us as we get older.

Now, sun exposure can lead to changes in skin color that can be unsightly, but there are some things that you can do to get rid of them.

Here’s just a bit of information about why these spots develop in areas like your face, arms, and hands. You’ll also learn how to help reduce their appearance.

Age Spots | Beverly Hills MD

Causes of Age Spots

Age spots and sunspots are often mistakenly referred to as “liver spots,” but really… they have absolutely nothing to do with the health of your liver. In fact, they’re usually harmless.

But, they come in a variety of colors, including black, brown and tan, and often resemble freckles. Some of them are even several centimeters in size, but others are just a few millimeters.1

Now, the reason these spots develop is that your skin absorbs ultraviolet light due to sun exposure. And it’s not just UV light direct from the sun that can cause a problem here, but tanning beds can also cause spots to form.

If you notice age spots, you need to make sure that you don’t actually have a serious skin issue. This is especially the case if the spots are very dark or have recently changed their appearance.

And, if a spot has an odd combination of colors or an irregular border, there’s a chance it could be a sign of a potentially severe problem. This will also be a possibility if the area itches, bleeds, or shows any signs of redness.

How to Get Rid of Them

Thankfully, there are many remedies for age spots. And these aids might even contain ingredients you’ve already got in your home. For example, try using –

Age Spots | Beverly Hills MDApple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider is also high in an acid that can help improve the appearance of your skin. Research indicates that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can help lighten skin pigmentation.3

Aloe Vera

Now, you’ve probably heard that aloe vera is typically used to help reduce discomfort associated with sunburn. But research shows that this gentle substance can also help lighten skin that has become darker due to sun exposure or age.4

Vitamin C

Finally, it’s no secret that vitamin C helps to inhibit the development of melanin, the pigment that makes skin darker. According to one study, combining vitamin C with vitamin E provides the results when it comes to lightening skin.5

Age Spots | Beverly Hills MDPreventing Age Spots

So, though the above materials can help reduce the appearance of sunspots, the best way to avoid age spots is to be extremely careful when you’re outdoors.

Always – always – use sunscreen on all areas of your body that will encounter sun exposure. And you can wear a hat with a wide brim to help keep spots from developing on your face and neck. Plus, you’ll want to talk with your doctor to determine the right type of sunscreen for you.

Wrapping it Up

Age Spots | Beverly Hills MDAgain, it’s very important to note that age spots are harmless. However, you need to keep track of any changes in shape and color… and if you see something you’re not comfortable with, see your doctor to figure out if anything more serious is going on.

And remember to wear plenty of sunscreen and a hat if you’re going to be out in the sun for an extended period of time.

There’s no reason why you can’t have fun in the sun. Just make sure you take the right precautions so you can stay as safe as possible.

And if you already have dark spots, just remember, Beverly Hills MD Dark Spot Corrector really helps to reduce the appearance of them.

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