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Boost Skin Health with These “Anti-Aging” Foods

by Beverly Hills MD

July 15 2019

You already know that you should be eating a diet filled with fresh, unprocessed produce for optimal health. But did you know that some of those great foods are also anti-aging foods?

The vitamins and minerals in certain foods may help give you a brighter complexion. Their potent antioxidants may also help protect you from premature signs of aging.

Here are 7 powerful anti-aging foods to kick-start that “anti-aging” diet!

1. Avocado

Avocados are one of the world’s fattiest fruits – in the best possible way! But, unlike other fruits, avocados contain barely any sugar. The rich fats found in avocados consist mostly of oleic acid – a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and healing properties. All of these things are amazing for your skin!1

Omega-9 fats are also helpful for sealing in moisture, which helps to keep skin cells hydrated and supple. And, the high carotenoid content found in avocados further helps to prevent the signs of aging by blocking toxins and UV rays. Any wonder why avocados are on this anti-aging foods list?2

2. Olive Oil

Speaking of oleic acid, olive oil is also very high in this beneficial fatty acid. It also contains loads of omega-3 fatty acids and free radical-fighting polyphenols (antioxidants).

Free radicals are found all around us – in the environment and on our bodies. They’re caused by the natural oxidation process, and they can also hasten the effects of aging. Thankfully, antioxidants can help combat these free radicals.3

Tip: Cold-pressed, Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is always the best olive oil when it comes to anti-aging foods!

3. Watercress

Watercress is a very underutilized little plant. But once you read this, you may want to add this gem to your anti-aging foods list!

This king of vitamins and minerals contains as much vitamin C as an orange, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, and more folate than bananas!5,6

Anti-Aging Foods | Beverly Hills MDBut even more impressively, watercress is bursting with sulfur, and your body uses both vitamin C and sulfur to produce collagen.7,8

Collagen is the secret to keeping your skin elastic, supple, and wrinkle-free!

4. Carrots

Carrots are full of beta-carotene – it’s what gives orange and yellow veggies their vibrant color.9

Beta-carotene delivers a powerful hit of vitamin A. This vitamin may help slow the visible signs of aging by maintaining healthy skin production when applied topically. In the beauty industry, the most famous form of vitamin A is known as retinol.10

Carrots also contain vitamin C, which helps your body produce collagen – for plumper, more elastic (and younger-looking) skin.11

5. Lemons

If you’re looking to add some zest to your diet, lemons are a great choice! This fruit deserves a place of honor on this anti-aging foods list.

Lemons are high in vitamin C, which you now know helps boost collagen production. Vitamin C is also a potent antioxidant to help ward off free radicals. In fact, one study showed that those who consume more vitamin C-rich foods, like lemons, had less wrinkled or dry skin!12

6. Salmon

Salmon is a fatty fish brimming with heart-healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fats. These fats offer some major health benefits, including providing essential nutrients your skin needs.

The fatty acids found in salmon have been shown to help improve skin barrier function, ward off redness and hyperpigmentation, soothe dry skin (which worsens the appearance of wrinkles), and accelerate wound healing. They may also help reduce photoaging from the sun.13

7. Red Wine

So, you probably weren’t expecting to see alcohol on an anti-aging foods list, but red wine is a special exception. This is because red wine is absolutely loaded with antioxidant polyphenols.

Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants which help your body defend against cell damage caused by free radicals.14

Now, red wine’s polyphenols are already recognized as being good for your heart. But the health benefits of these polyphenols may also extend to your skin.

Scientific research has shown that polyphenols like resveratrol — found in red wine –– may be exceptionally useful for supporting your body’s fight against skin issues associated with aging.15

Of course, red wine consumption is best in moderation – so aim for no more than a few glasses a week.

Anti-Aging Foods | Beverly Hills MD

The Skin Health Benefits of Anti-Aging Foods

For optimal total-body health, you should aim for a heavily plant-based diet, eat red meat in moderation, and embrace fatty fish. Avoid processed foods as much as possible. The vitamins and minerals that you get from fresh produce are second to none!

No one can win the aging race, but if you’d like to protect and prevent against the premature signs of aging (especially those caused by those pesky free radicals!), anti-aging foods are a great place to start!

Learn More:
Add More Magnesium To Your Diet For Healthy Skin
What are Peptides? (and how they can improve your skin)


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