About once a month, my wife Kendhal and I do something really fun…
We spend a whole day in our kitchen, testing out new skincare DIYs — so I can share the best ones with you.
And our most recent one is truly something special. (In fact, Kendhal’s been doing it for the past 3 weeks… and she’s already calling it her “DIY secret for youthful skin!”)
It’s ultra-effective for instantly brightening the look of dull or uneven skin —
And for giving your BHMD Dark Spot Corrector a serious boost.
(Plus, it turns a common food into a handheld skincare tool. How cool is that??)
My only warning: You may not want to let anyone see you doing this — because it looks pretty strange. Kendhal was actually laughing the whole time when she first tried it. 🙂
But the results are definitely worth it!
Here’s what you want to do:
- Thoroughly cleanse your skin, and pat dry.
- Head to the kitchen and cut a tomato in half.
- Dip one half of the tomato in granulated sugar until it’s well-coated.
- Re-dampen skin slightly. Then, begin gently rubbing your sugar-coated tomato all over to exfoliate.
- OPTIONAL: Leave on for 5-7 minutes.
- Thoroughly rinse any residue off your skin using cool water, and pat dry.
So… why on Earth does this work so well?
THREE reasons:
First of all, as you probably guessed, the sugar provides gentle-yet-powerful exfoliating action.
Second, the TOMATO contains enzymes that also exfoliate skin… helping the sugar “sweep away” dullness and discoloration more effectively.
But the real secret is the lycopene in the tomatoes.
Lycopene is one of the few naturally-occurring compounds shown to help reduce the appearance of sun damage when consumed orally1…
So you can imagine how effective it is when applied directly to your skin.
(That’s actually why it’s a key ingredient in Dark Spot Corrector… so this recipe can help ADD to your results.)
Best of all, this method is easy as can be.
You can use it the same way you’d use a skin-scrubbing brush — but also enjoy its natural, built-in skincare properties.
(And it costs far less than one of those expensive spinning brushes… that’s for sure!)
Now remember, over-exfoliating can cause skin-aging damage — and actually draw ATTENTION to flaws like dark spots and dullness.
But you can avoid that by using this DIY no more than once a week, and following it immediately with your usual skin-brightening skincare routine.
Give it a try for a few weeks and let me know what results you notice…
I’m excited to see if it works for well for you as it has for Kendhal and me!
Your Beverly Hills MD,
Dr. John Layke
P.S. By the way, tomatoes are acidic… which is GREAT for giving your skin a youthful glow, but can be a little much for some ultra-sensitive skin types. If you have any concerns about how your skin might respond to this DIY, it’s always a good idea to do a patch test on the inside of your arm 24 hours before trying it on your face, just to be sure it’s right for you. If the patch test goes well, you’re good to go!
P.P.S. Like I said, Kendhal and I love experimenting with new DIYs — and then sharing them with you. Some work, some don’t, some are just plain off-the-wall… but once in awhile, we discover a real gem (like this one!).
So please feel free to comment below if you’ve discovered any unusual DIYs you want us to try. (Yes, we’ll really do it!) We’re always looking for new and interesting recipes… and we’d love to have yours in our back pocket.
1. Evans, J. and Johnson, E. (2010). The Role of Phytonutrients in Skin Health. Nutrients, 2(8), pp.903-928.