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How to Revive Skin in Under 5 Minutes

by Beverly Hills MD

January 04 2015

Let me ask you a quick question:

How many hours do you spend in a car, bus, train, or airplane every month?

For me, it’s close to 100 hours on average. I couldn’t believe it when I did the math – that’s over 4 full days every month!

Between all the medical conferences I attend all over the world, and the legendary LA traffic I sit through every day on my commute – I spend a huge amount of time in transit.

In fact, just yesterday I got back from a conference trip to New York that was so quick, I spent more time in the air than I did on the ground.

It’s tough sometimes… But I love my job so much, I can’t imagine it any other way.

But if you’re anything like me, you’ve noticed that whenever you spend too long in a car, train, or airplane – even just an hour or two – you don’t look nearly as fresh and bright as you did at the beginning of the trip…

And if you travel as much as I do, that means RARELY looking your very best.

There are a few reasons for this:

  • Dry, recirculated air takes moisture out of skin
  • Stress causes pronounced sagging
  • Dehydration causes flaking and creasing
  • Reduced circulation causes dullness and blotchiness
  • Fluid retention causes eye bags and puffiness

All these factors combined can make skin look YEARS older… fast.

So whether you’re a big traveler who spends a lot of time on airplanes, or even someone who just gets stuck in traffic once in awhile – I want to share my very best tips for how to revive your skin post-travel.

Here are 4 quick, effective tricks I like to share with my busy clients, and even use myself. And the best part is – they all take under 5 minutes, to fit into any schedule.

1. Renewing Your Skin Tone

When your skin seems extra dull or blotchy, it could be due to a lack of circulation – something that happens when you sit in one place for too long.

But there’s an easy and invigorating trick I use myself to make skin look healthy and youthful in just seconds.

It’s called hydrotherapy – the process of exposing your skin to quick temperature fluctuations in the shower.

Usually I suggest lukewarm showers because hot water can strip your skin of moisture. But when your skin really needs it, try turning the water temperature up as high as you’re comfortable for one to two minutes.

Then, switch to the coldest temp you can stand.

Alternating between the two extreme temperatures will dilate your blood vessels, increase blood flow, and help to carry necessary nutrients and oxygen back to your skin.

The effects on your skin will be instant… and you might even notice your energy surging once you hop out!

2. Reviving Puffy Eyes

Staying still for a long time can cause fluid to settle under your eyes, creating dark bags that give away how tired you are.

This is when you really want an added boost to your eye treatment.

To increase its skin smoothing benefits, place your eye cream in the refrigerator for at least an hour before you apply it. Make sure it’s cold to the touch.

The coolness will constrict the blood vessels under your eyes, helping to fade the appearance of dark circles and reduce swelling.

I even tell my clients to try this with their anti-aging serums and creams, to help combat the appearance of sagging skin that comes with stressful travel.

3. Brightening Your Tired Complexion

Have you ever stepped out of a car, train, or airplane and noticed that your skin has taken on a gray or slightly purple cast?

This type of temporary discoloration is common – due to dehydration, dry air, and low blood flow.

Luckily, it’s easy to fix.

After you’re done stretching out and rehydrating your body by drinking at least 6 ounces of water, try dipping a washcloth in a mixture of milk and ice cubes. Then wring out the excess liquid and set over your face for 5 minutes.

If sitting like that is uncomfortable for you, you can always dab the cold milk on your face instead.

Then, rinse the milk away with cool water and apply your usual skincare products.

The lactic acid in milk acts as a kind of brightener that also helps skin retain moisture. This, mixed with the coldness of the ice, will help you achieve a quick, temporary glow – so no one will guess you’ve been cooped up in a car for hours.

My wife loves this trick so much, we’ll sometimes pull over on a long trip to get milk, paper napkins, and a cup of ice from a convenience store, so she can do a quick touch-up right in the car!



4. Double Up on Moisture

Under normal circumstances, you want to follow the directions on your skincare products to a T to get the best possible results.

But if you’ve just spent a long day traveling, I recommend using a double application of your usual moisturizer or hydrating serum to help replenish skin fast.

First, apply a thin layer and give it a few minutes to penetrate your skin.

Then, once skin is no longer slick with product, give your skin a more generous second application. This will help “seal in” the moisture and nutrients from the first application.

Whether you’re planning an upcoming vacation or just spend a lot of time in your car, don’t panic about its effects on your skin… You can rehabilitate with these easy tricks and keep your skin looking young and fresh!

P.S. Do you have a special trick you use at home to make skin look instantly younger? I’m currently compiling my very best do-it-yourself tips for an upcoming newsletter – and I’d love to include yours! Comment below with your favorite tips.

Beverly Hills MD Dermal Repair Complex


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