With summer on the way, tons of amazing skin-healthy ingredients are finally coming into season.
My personal favorite? Strawberries!
Of course, a summer-fresh strawberry is always a delicious treat, but I’m not talking about eating them:
Strawberries are actually one of the great secret weapons of DIY skincare.
Since they’re high in Vitamin C, they can be used to help brighten dull skin (which is extra important while the sun’s drying rays are strong), while also helping to exfoliate away dull, dead skin cells.
That means a smoother, more luminous complexion… and even silkier, more touchable skin!
In fact, to celebrate this beautifying fruit, I’ve put together a recipe for a great mask you can use right at home — and experience the power of strawberries for yourself.

It might look like breakfast… But it’s actually one
of my most effective DIY beauty tricks ever!
I call it my Summer Strawberry Oatmeal Mask.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
- 1 strawberry, mashed
- 1 Tbsp carrot juice
- 2 Tbsp oatmeal (instant will work best)
Blend all of your ingredients together vigorously, and let sit for a few minutes, or until the oatmeal begins to absorb the liquids.
Gently rub the mask all over clean, dry skin. (The oatmeal and strawberry chunks do not have to stick to your skin for the mask to work.) Now, sit down and relax for about 5 minutes, before rinsing the mask off with cool water.
Once you’ve rinsed, pat skin dry and apply your skincare products as usual.
The Vitamin C, enzymes, and beta-carotene in this mask can help you get a fresher, more youthful look fast, while deeply nourishing your skin… just in time for those warmer months when you want to look your best.
Meanwhile, oatmeal helps calm and soothe skin to combat redness and irritation.
Use this mask indoors no more than once a week, and be careful to wear sunscreen whenever you go outside.
(If you have sensitive skin, I’d recommend a doing a patch test the day before you plan to use it, to make sure the more acidic ingredients aren’t going to be too strong for your skin. Skip it completely if you’re battling a sunburn.)
And remember, this mask will NOT replace your skincare routine. Rather, it will BOOST it… to help you “max out” your summer glow!
If you love DIY masks like this one, leave a comment below and let me know. I always love knowing more about what you want to read here in the BHMD Blog!
Your Beverly Hills MD,
Dr. John Layke